Based on Disney's animated film Wish, this book features Asha, a hopeful teen who makes an impassioned plea to the stars. She is answered by a little ball of boundless energy called Star. Together, they face a formidable foe to save Rosas, the kingdom Asha loves. Perfect for children ages 6 to 9, this book includes a full-color insert and a poster.
Travel to a city where Fire, Water, Earth, and Air Elements live despite their differences. When Ember, a hot-headed young Fire woman, meets Wade, a go-with-the-flow Water guy, they discover how much they actually have in common. Can they become friends? Based on the Disney and Pixar animated film!
Follow the adventures of the Clade family, explorers journeying deep into a treacherous land full of fantastical creatures. Can they save the world before it's too late? Based on Disney's animated film!
Follow the adventures of the Clade family, explorers journeying deep into a treacherous land full of fantastical creatures. Can they save the world before it's too late? Based on DIsney's animated film, this picture book is perfect for young readers and fans of Little Golden Books.
Based on Disney's animated film Moana 2, this book features Moana's best advice for readers who want to become voyagers, just like her! Perfect for children ages 3 to 7 who enjoyed the feature film.
Disney and Pixar’s Inside Out 2 is an all-new adventure inside the mind of now-teenager Riley, who is definitely feeling all kinds of new Emotions. Children ages 3 to 7 will love this paperback storybook based on the animated feature film.
Are you generous like Tiana? Brave like Mulan? Do you stand up for your beliefs like Cinderella? Join the Disney Princesses and Frozen Queens as they share their own acts of courage and kindness in this beautifully illustrated collection of short stories.
Erin Falligant
P.O. Box 628011, Middleton, WI 53562
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